I also have a dwarf blueberry bush, some basil, and both zucchini and yellow squash, all within watering distance of my living room windows.

A neighbor (or a group of neighbors?) has planted a little food garden in the corner of our (quite large) backyard, adjacent to the worm bins. She has tomatoes, herbs, peppers, and leafy greens in the ground and in pots.

She has also used buckets to plant carrots and Yukon Gold potatoes

Admittedly, our building has a love for decorative gardens and is located on quite a large parcel, so this type of garden fits well. On the other hand, some apartment residents may not have this sort of space at their disposal, and that's where the former type of garden might work better. And if neither of these options is available, there's always the ROW Garden model, or the full parking lot takeover...
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