How about a positive post for a change?
There are three things currently going down at PPL headquarters (my kitchen table) that are worth sharing.
First, I just submitted an application to Shunpike's Seattle Storefronts program in conjunction with The Lonely Kazoo, a rock opera and theater troupe who is putting the finishing touches on an incredible piece that resonates with many of my worldly concerns, namely environmentalism and consumerism. We are trying to get them a rehearsal and performance space in a vacant storefront in Pioneer Square or the International District, from which we can also launch a tour of vacant spaces around Seattle. In the meantime, their inaugural performance is scheduled for the Fremont Abbey on August 19th. They also have a call out for art made from trash to accompany this show on their website.
Secondly, I've written several entries about the Holding Patterns competition, and in addition to attending the open house last week, I've been speaking with one of the finalist teams about their project in Pioneer Square (seems like PPL's concerns are sliding Southwest a bit, doesn't it?). You can take a look at The Neighborhood Watch Theater Company's entry here. Their plan calls for converting the abandoned space at 167 S. Washington into a multipurpose theater. Currently, I'm trying to set them up with my neighborhood favorites Signal to Noise, to put together a scheme for seating and a stage.
And lastly, we come to Park(ing) Day Central Park. I've been a bit slow about getting this up and running but it's time...especially since I was recently contacted by a member of The Brite Collective about extending the event through the weekend. For the trifecta, this extension will shift the central park to the international district for Saturday and Sunday (Friday, the official Park(ing) Day, will still be at 500 E. Pine), and invite other on-street parks from around Seattle to do so as well. It's a tall order, but a fantastic one, and we will be putting finishing touches on the beginning of the plan this week. I have a list of about thirty groups that I'm going to solicit to build parks but the more the merrier, seriously. So if you're a reader who wants to get in on the arts/activism party that is Park(ing) Day, and you haven't already contacted me, please get in touch.
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